ITB Berlin, renowned for its slogan “Connecting Global Travel,” stands as the world’s leading travel trade show, gathering industry leaders, decision-makers, experts, and professionals from across the globe. This prestigious event serves as a key platform for discussing the latest trends, sharing insights, and facilitating business opportunities in the tourism sector. It fosters an environment of networking and collaboration, enabling stakeholders to forge new partnerships and negotiate deals in face-to-face interactions.

Each year, ITB Berlin attracts exhibitors and visitors from all corners of the travel and tourism industry, from tour operators and hoteliers to airlines, technology innovators, and destination representatives. With a focus on innovation, sustainability, and the evolving travel landscape, ITB Berlin plays a crucial role in shaping the future of global tourism.

ATU has actively participated in this flagship event, enhancing Albania’s visibility and strengthening its presence within the German and international markets. By engaging in this dynamic environment, ATU has successfully positioned Albania as a must-visit destination for both leisure and business travelers.